Will Fans Ever Get to Design a Transformer Character Again

Megatron (also known equally Galvatron) is the leader of the Decepticons and the principal antagonist of Transformers, the secondary antagonist of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and Transformers: Nighttime of the Moon, ane of the three main antagonists (alongside Lockdown and Harold Attinger) of Transformers: Historic period of Extinction, one of the two primary antagonists (alongside Quintessa) of Transformers: The Last Knight.

He is the enemy of the Autobot leader, Optimus Prime. And is i of the strongest Decepticon


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.one Transformers
    • 1.ii Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
    • i.three Transformers: Nighttime of the Moon
    • one.4 Transformers: Age of Extinction
    • 1.5 Transformers: The Last Knight
    • 1.6 Titan Magazine Comics
    • 1.7 IDW Movie Comics
  • 2 Powers and Abilities
    • 2.ane Powers
    • 2.2 Abilities
  • 3 Allies
  • 4 Enemies
  • five Abilities
  • half dozen Weapons
  • seven Gallery Weapons
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 References

Biography [ ]

Megatron grew upwardly to become Lord High Protector of Cybertron while his adopted brother, Optimus became the head scientist of the Cybertronian scientific division. Eventually, Megatron came across The Fallen, who corrupted him and convinced him that the AllSpark should be his. Megatron and his followers attempted to seize information technology, only were stopped by Optimus and his Autobots, and the Cybertronian State of war began.

At the stop of the state of war, Megatron captured and tortured Bumblebee, severely dissentious his Spark Still, earlier Megatron could kill Bumblebee, the Autobots launched the AllSpark into deep space. Megatron followed the AllSpark beyond infinite in his jet manner. And In 1883, arrived on World where was present during the eruption of Krakatoa, just his presence was covered up by the Society of the Witwiccans. At some signal later this, he constitute his way to the Arctic, where he would crash and becoming frozen beneath the ice.

Millennia later, in the year 1897, Helm Archibald Witwicky, the leader of the National Arctic Circle Expedition, discovered Megatron buried deep in the ice. Accidentally triggering Megatron's navigation system,Witwicky was blinded by a burst of lite from Megatron's eyes, which imprinted the coordinates of the AllSpark's location on his glasses.The decepticons were fighting for the AllSpark in transformers1: transformers.

So you know that saying were your told to never brand a trip to a Frozen Place on Earth? Well, This is what happens!

Megatron remained imprisoned in the Arctic until the 1930s when he was dug out by the United States government and moved to a secret Sector Vii stronghold inside Hoover Dam. There, he remained in cryo-stasis for another 72 years, during which time, many modern devices (by Earth standards) were contrary-engineered from his frozen trunk.

Transformers [ ]

In 2007, Frenzy infiltrated Hoover Dam and shut down the ability systems, while Starscream attacked the external power lines, causing Megatron to thaw out. Once once more online, the leader of the Decepticons informed the humans of his true name, before randomly killed a few of them while destroying his one-time prison. The Sector Seven personnel tried to subdue Megatron with liquid nitrogen, causing the Decepticon leader to wing off subsequently the AllSpark again. He met up with Starscream for the first time in thousands of years on the outside and immediately demanded to know where the Cube was. Upon learning that the humans had moved the AllSpark, he started travelling towards mission metropolis.

After Starscream and Brawl's opening attacks in Mission Metropolis, Megatron appears.

As Sam ran off with the AllSpark, Megatron ordered the Decepticons to attack. Starscream and Blackout fought Ironhide and Ratchet for the AllSpark. At that moment, Optimus Prime appeared and challenged Megatron. Barely managing to growl out Prime's name, Megatron, and Starscream transformed and flew at Prime at full speed. Optimus leaped and grabbed a concur of Megatron, who slammed him into a building earlier flying right through a skyscraper. Both leaders landed in the centre of an intersection, but Megatron was the outset to recover and leaped upon his blood brother, snarling that the humans were undeserving of life.

Optimus Prime replied that they had the correct to cull for themselves before he threw his brother off. Megatron declared that if Prime wished to defend them, he should "join them in extinction," forming his fusion cannon. Before he could fire, the Autobot leader drew his ion blaster and fired, hitting Megatron. The Decepticon leader shrugged off this assail, spun around from the momentum and fired his cannon, throwing Optimus Prime number into the side of a building.

Megatron pursued Sam, who had removed the AllSpark from Hoover Dam, destroying everything that stood in his way. Sam ran to a battered building that was the designated coordinates for a human military machine evacuation squad, and Megatron smashed his mode through, yelling out to him. Starscream destroyed the helicopter intended to have the AllSpark, and Megatron outburst through the floor, inquiring if it was courage or fear that compelled him. Finally cornering him on a ledge, Megatron offered that if the human gave him the AllSpark, the male child might live equally his pet. The Decepticon leader relished Sam's defiant refusal and destroyed the ledge the male child was standing upon, sending him tumbling to the ground.

Sam was defenseless by Optimus Prime number, who so tried to escape down the side of the building earlier Megatron tackled him and sent all three slamming into the pavement. Equally a nearby human being eyewitness (Micheal Bay himself) attempted to run, the Decepticon expressed his cloy at his proximity and flicked him abroad. Protecting the immature male child, Prime alleged that their state of war would terminate here and it was now just between the 2 brothers. Though lusting for the AllSpark, Megatron decided to indulge his brother's obvious expiry wish, declaring that merely he was in this fight. Despite Optimus Prime's best efforts, Megatron was relentless, matching the Autobot leader with accident later devastating accident until he collapsed. Calculation insult to injury, Megatron informed Prime that his defense force of the "weak" was the existent reason he lost.

after the war misson urban center's motto was now: We Beceme America'southward place for Behemothic conflicting Robots.

Megatron turned his attention back to Sam just was suddenly attacked by fighter jets and Captain Lennox's basis soldiers firing SABOT rounds. Optimus took this chance, hitting Megatron and knocking him down. His armor damaged, Megatron ignored the penalty and focused on Sam, growling that he would impale the boy and that the AllSpark was his. As Optimus Prime ordered Sam to place the AllSpark into his chest, the boy instead pushed it into the at present-exposed spark in Megatron'south chest, overloading him with energy and extinguishing the Decepticon's life force. Every bit Optimus Prime stood over Megatron's lifeless shell, watching the light flicker out of his brother'southward eyes, he remarked somberly, all the same remorsefully, that Megatron had left him no selection, and removed the AllSpark from his brother'due south spark cavity.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen [ ]

2 years later, Ravage, Scalpel, Mixmaster, Scrapmetal, Rampage and Long Haul (the Constructicons) discovered Megatron's torso at the bottom of the Abyss, now covered in barnacles, starfish, and octopi. After the Constructicons used parts from Scrapmetal to repair Megatron's trunk, Scalpel struck Megatron's spark cavity with an AllSpark fragment, reviving the Decepticon leader. Megatron flew up to the surface, striking a submarine on his style, before journey into infinite to discover the Nemesis. On the ruined ship, Megatron met upward with Starscream and chastised his subordinate for leaving him to die on Earth. Starscream defended his actions by maxim that he had to take care of the hatchlings, who were dying without Energon, and someone had to accept command in Megatron's absence. Furious, Megatron bashed Starscream into a wall containing protoform sacks and told Starscream that even in expiry, there is no command but Megatron's. Megatron met upward with The Fallen, who was weakened and in a life support chair. Megatron told his master he had failed and allowed the AllSpark to be destroyed, but The Fallen told Megatron that the knowledge of the AllSpark had instead been transferred to the human boy who killed him, Sam Witwicky. With the noesis within Sam'due south mind, they could find another Energon source, hidden away from The Fallen eons agone. Already eager to avenge himself, Megatron begged The Fallen for the chance to strip the flesh from Sam, just The Fallen asked for patience. Before they could human activity, Megatron was to kill Optimus Prime, who was the concluding of the Dynasty of Primes, which made him the only 1 who could kill The Fallen. Megatron knew that Optimus would protect the boy, and ordered him captured.

Megatron and his master megatronus aboard the Nemesis

Megatron sprang a trap, dispatching Grindor to take Sam Whitwicky, Mikaela Banes, and Leo Spitz to him at an abased manufacturing plant.

Sam and Megatron meet for the offset time in two years

Although Megatron attempted to attack Optimus only was instead torn out of the factory. Optimus drove Sam to a graveyard with Megatron in hot pursuit. The Autobot and Decepticon leaders transformed and battled every bit Sam fled. Optimus was easily dominating the fight, trash-talking Megatron all the while, forcing Megatron to call his Decepticons for help. Starscream and Grindor arrived to assistance their commander, as Megatron told Prime number that Sam could atomic number 82 them to another Energon source. Kicking off his rima oris plate and blasting him, Megatron asked Prime if one boy was worth the future of the Cybertronians. Prime number replied that the Decepticons would never finish at killing just one, then took on all three Decepticons. Surprisingly, he was winning, stabbing Megatron multiple times and knocking off Starscream's arm. As a weary Prime tore Grindor apart, Megatron stabbed him in the back and blasted through his spark: Prime barbarous, mortally wounded. As Megatron moved for the boy, the rest of the Autobots arrived and provided enough embrace for Bumblebee to spirit Sam abroad. Already injured from the boxing with Prime, Megatron and Starscream were forced to retreat.

Megatron punishes Starscream for his failure

With Prime dead, Megatron was quite angry, until Starscream informed him that the boy had escaped. Furious, Megatron smacked his lieutenant with his own severed arm and ran his treads on him for a moment for losing track of "a single insect," but Starscream countered that he was one of 6 Billion, and could be anywhere. Considering the situation, Megatron decided it was time to end their state of war, and that if they couldn't discover the boy, they would have the humans bring him to the Decepticons. Soundwave used his scanning abilities to locate the boy's parents, the rejuvenated Fallen circulate a message to deliver Sam to them across the planet. Megatron himself broadcasted The Fallen's bulletin by rewiring the Empire Land Building's radio tower.

Megatron then flew to Egypt, where nineteen chiliad years before, The Fallen had built a Star Harvester to harness the Sun for Energon. Starscream informed him that the humans had brought Prime's body with them, and Megatron surmised the male child'due south intentions. Commanding the residuum of the Decepticons to begin their assault, Megatron ordered Devastator to destroy the pyramid that was congenital over the harvester, while he himself chased Sam for the Matrix of Leadership, which would activate the harvester. Megatron almost killed Sam, but was overwhelmed by human gunfire, and flew off.

The Fallen managed to accept the Matrix and actuate the harvester, but it had already been used to resurrect Optimus. Optimus combined with Jetfire and destroyed the harvester, knocking Megatron off the pyramid while Prime went for The Fallen. Apace recovering, Megatron attacked Optimus from behind, leading to a ii-on-one friction match with Megatron and The Fallen battling Prime. This one went amend for Optimus than the last one, as he used Megatron'southward own cannon to boom half his face off and then severed the arm. Finally, Optimus used his afterburners to send Megatron hurtling through some ruins, ending his part in the battle. Megatron was and then damaged he could barely call out for Starscream'south aid, merely it soon mattered little as Optimus Prime killed The Fallen. Horrified at the loss of the power behind the Decepticons, Megatron acknowledged Starscream's advice that they should flee, but vowed that this wasn't over.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon [ ]

Megatron in Namibia, Africa

After The Fallen's death, Megatron spent the next iii years hiding out in the plains of Namibia, Africa in exile. In that location, notwithstanding visibly bearing the scars of his latest battle with Optimus Prime, he spent nearly of his fourth dimension sitting on a ramshackle throne of junk, with only Starscream, Soundwave, Laserbeak, and the diminutive Igor to control. Megatron regularly went out to detect food for the Hatchlings that lived in a collection of oil drums at the camp, occasionally scaring the local wildlife with his roaring and bellowing. Starscream expressed his business organization for his primary's wounds, merely Megatron was less than concerned with those. Laserbeak returned after observing Shockwave's fight with Optimus and told Megatron that the Autobots had discovered a fuel cell from the Ark (DOTM), which had been thought lost. Megatron so announced that the humans that were working for him had served their purpose, and ordered Laserbeak to summarily execute them.

Later on Sentinel Prime number betrayed the Autobots, Megatron and Starscream traveled to Washington D.C., where Megatron outlined his scheme to his 2d-in-control. Plain, Sentinel was supposed to rendezvous with Megatron there on Earth, but the circumstances caused them both to exist deactivated, and Sentinel was the only one who knew how to activate the Space bridge.

Megatron and Starscream in Washington D.C.

However, Megatron had a contingency plan: since they already had the Pillars on the Moon and Optimus had recovered the Matrix of Leadership, he merely needed Optimus to revive Sentinel, so he could activate the Pillars. And so arrived that moment, and Megatron blasted the President Lincoln statue off his rock throne and used the remains as a seat. Optimus arrived to stop Sentinel but was too late. Megatron watched this happen, afterwards which he alleged, "Here nosotros are. Fight united states now."

Soon, they traveled to Chicago, Illinois, where Sentinel and Megatron planned to start their global takeover. They gear up their base of operations on the Jewelers' Building. Human Dylan Gould, who was working for the Decepticons, came with Carly Spencer to watch, but Megatron ordered him to leave. Later the Decepticons successfully occupied Chicago, Megatron stated that this was the world that he promised, that this way Cybertron would be restored. Sentry, feeling his partner was getting likewise chummy, violently reminded Megatron of his place. Scout did not work for Megatron, Megatron worked with Scout. Lookout warned Megatron to retrieve the difference.

Megatron and Sentinel after taking Chicago

Much subsequently, Dylan shouted to Megatron that the Autobots who were seemingly destroyed by Starscream were notwithstanding alive. Megatron ordered the bridges to be raised and all Decepticon ships to find the Autobots. Sentinel took control of the Decepticon forces in the fight against the Autobots, and and then as the boxing raged Megatron lay in another throne of junk, sulking. That is until he was goaded by Carly to return to battle and impale Sentinel for usurping him. That is what he came close to doing : he intervened in the battle just before Sentinel was about to deal the fatal blow to Optimus, and severely wounded Sentinel. Megatron realized how far he had fallen in power within the past few years and had decided to again take his rightful place at the elevation of the command concatenation.

Megatron was killed by Optimus Prime and 2nd Death

He decided to brand a truce with Optimus, as long he could remain in charge of his Decepticon forces saying, "Besides, who would you be without me, Prime number?" Merely as Megatron was about to shoot, Optimus shoved Megatron to the ground, smashed Megatron's caput with an energon axe and tore it off his body, killing the tyrant once and for all.

Transformers: Age of Extinction [ ]

"You have no soul!"
That is why I have no fear!"

- Optimus Prime and Galvatron.

Megatron's caput was salvaged by K.S.I and "manipulated them into building him a new body, so he could get after the 'Seed'!" Equally Brains said. Later Galvatron was used to fight Optimus by K.S.I but was pulled out when Lockdown arrived. And was transported to the Hong Kong factory.

At the K.S.I Hong Kong factory, Galvatron awoke and commands KSI Sentries, Stinger, Two-Head, KSI Boss, Junkheap, Ii Lamborghini Decepticons, Aston Martin Decepticon and McLaren Decepticon giving their own conscience. Using them as his army he attacked Hong Kong to claim the 'Seed' but was foiled by the Autobot/Dinobot brotherhood. He left earth to become to Cybertron vowing to Optimus they would meet once again saying he was "reborn."

Transformers: The Last Knight [ ]

At some betoken later the battle of Hong Kong, Quintessa converted Galvatron back to Megatron and gets his Cybertronian Jet mode back just with a new expect, and Battlement is his only soldier alive and free. Over the following year, he visited all the locations of the rising Horns of Unicron. He then kidnapped a pair of CIA officers and contacted the TRF, telling them he wanted to encounter to negotiate. He asked for the release of several loftier class Decepticon prisoners, freeing Mohawk, Nitro, Dreadbot, was turned downward when he tried to become back Berserker, so he called for Onslaught instead. Megatron then took his crew afterwards Cade Yeager and the Autobots who were in hiding in the Scrapyard. The identify was deserted, just Megatron found the decapitated head of Starscream and told him that the end was near. Megatron was then attacked by Hound, who had stayed backside to fight. Megatron trounce the Autobot downwardly and he and the remainder of Megatron's Crew went in pursuit of the Autobots once again.

They followed their prey to a abandoned town, where the Autobots launched a new offensive, and and then, Grimlock showed up, eating up Dreadbot and blasting fire. Afterwards Migrate and Crosshairs killed Onslaught, Nitro and Megatron retreated, leaving Mohawk behind to die.

When Yeager and Bumblebee went to England to meet with Sir Edmund Burton, Megatron and his remaining forces followed, knowing Yeager would lead them to the Staff. Yeager was subsequently joined by Viviane Wembly, and successfully located Quintessa's staff in the knight'south ship at the bottom of the ocean. Quintessa had, in the intervening fourth dimension, also placed Optimus Prime under her control and sent him to obtain the staff, but when Bumblebee helped Prime break her control, Megatron seized his opportunity, streaking in, blindsiding the disoriented Prime, and snatching the staff away. He proclaimed to his nemesis that he had turned his back on Cybertron for the concluding time, and would watch Earth dice. As Cybertron arrived in Earth orbit, the Decepticons headed for Stonehenge, where Megatron activated the portal through which Unicron'southward free energy would be drained. When Burton and the British military attempted to stop them, Megatron fatally wounded Burton with a single nail.

The Decepticons proceeded to relocate to Cybertron, where Megatron delivered the staff to Quintessa and led the defense of her ignition bedchamber against the articulation forces of the Autobots, humans, and Dragonstorm. His forces held the line until Sqweeks destroyed their gun emplacement and Optimus arrived and slew Infernocus. He and Nitro fell back as the Autobots bankrupt through the defenses and arrived to thwart their plan, and soon engaged all the Autobots together. Equally he prepared to evangelize a killing blow to Hound, he was briefly frozen by Hot Rod's time slowing gun and blasted past Hound. He was then tackled by Bumblebee and when he prepared to boom the small-scale Autobot, Optimus Prime intervened, slicing his fusion cannon arm off. Megatron, despite his injury, managed to subdue Optimus and attempted to sway him by reminding him of how they had in one case been "brothers", but Optimus retorted that information technology had indeed but been one time, and kicked him through a wall, sending him plummeting through the air. Quintessa was defeated and her plans foiled, just Megatron was possibly killed.

Titan Magazine Comics [ ]

IDW Picture Comics [ ]

Powers and Abilities [ ]

Powers [ ]

  • Superhuman Force: To be added
  • Superhuman Durability: To be added
  • Superhuman Speed: To be added
  • Superhuman Agility: To be added
  • Superhuman Stamina: To exist added
  • Superhuman Reflexes: To be added
  • Longevity: To be added

Abilities [ ]

  • Main Combatant: Megatron possesses some knowledge of hand-to-hand gainsay. He unremarkably uses brute forcefulness in his fights, but if he wants to, he tin apply some kick and punching techniques that resemble a martial artist, although he doesn't apply much until he is reincarnated into galvatron in the fourth motion-picture show. In this film, he can be seen fighting like a martial creative person against Optimus.
  • Expert Marksman: To exist added
  • Genius-Level Intellect: To be added
  • Master Tactician: To exist added
  • Master Leader: To be added
  • Multilingualism: To be added

Allies [ ]

  • The Fallen (Master)
  • Starscream
  • Barricade
  • Sentinel Prime number (currently)-(formerly)
  • Soundwave
  • Shockwave
  • Quintessa
  • Other Decepticons
  • Other Constructions
  • Dylan Gould

Enemies [ ]

  • Sam Witwicky
  • Cade Yeager
  • Autobots
  • Optimus Prime
  • Sentinel Prime
  • NEST
  • Transformers Reaction Strength

Abilities [ ]

  • Flight: Seen to fly in movies in robot form (TF1, RotF, TLK)
  • Preparation: More Trained on blades, guns., and rockets every bit the movies progress. (All movies)
  • Electricity/Radio-wave Emmission (RotF)

Weapons [ ]

TF1 :

  • Staff: Seen used to impale a autobot during the holograms by Optimus Prime
  • Cybertronian Mace: Used to intermission the bridges in front of him during his melting
  • Lightweight hand cannon: Used to damage Jazz.
  • Fusion cannon: Can be extended trough is artillery and chest, it does not weigh him downwardly due to information technology being in the heart. Needs to charge and combined to activate

RotF :

  • Hand pinchers: Seen keeping Sam to the board.
  • Fusion Cannon: Weighs him down, just incredibly powerful
  • Claw sword fashion: Extracts into a claw


  • Fusion cannon: Longer simply has less ammo and not as strong.


  • Fusion Cannon: When Optimus pulled out his Energon sword on Galvatron, Galvatron shot the ground with a energy blast
    • Missile mode: Can at present shoot missiles to damage multiple targets
  • Galvatron truck rockets: Can extend two six-rocket launchers in vehicle mode.
  • Mini Arm Blades: Tin can slice a auto like a piece a butter.
  • Heat core: Tin fire parts of his trunk to have a college heat than usual. In the chest it has a particle weapon that disintegrates annihilation that goes trough information technology.


  • Flamethrower: Used for five seconds to burn upwardly cars in anger
  • Fusion cannon: An upgraded fusion cannon that does non weigh him down and can exist retracted.
  • Sword of Sentence: Used to most kill Optimus when he says: "We were brothers one time" before he got kicked out of the lair. Literally.
  • Axe sword: A new blade so he can even up on Prime's new sword.

Gallery Weapons [ ]

To see more than images go to: Megatron/Gallery

Megatron at Universal Studios

Trivia [ ]

  • The prototype photographs on the dorsum of Leader and Voyager class Megatron's packaging show him with a completely different head based upon an earlier version of his CGI design (seen on the correct) that was dropped afterwards much negative fan reaction.
  • According to The Movie Guide, Megatron is i of the few Transformers capable of space travel without reverting to a Protoform. This explains how he was capable of chasing the AllSpark "immediately" after its launch.
  • The earliest concept designs of Megatron also gave him a look very much inspired by his classic Generation One counterpart. Unlike the Cybertronian jet is seen in the starting time alive action Transformers moving-picture show, this Megatron was instead intended to transform into an army tank.
  • According to The Quest for the AllSpark paperback'south opening paragraph, "...Virtually revered were Optimus and Megatron. They were twin brothers of the Prime number dynasty." (This implies that Megatron may take also had the surname "Prime number" at one fourth dimension.) Similarly, in the Autobots version of the same DS game, information technology is noted that Megatron "took the spark" of his and Optimus' father. However, in the 12th issue of Titan's Revenge of The Fallen comic, "Barricade" informed readers that Megatron and Optimus weren't related, the term "brother" was just because they'd known each other for so long.
  • Early script drafts and a children's picture book featured Megatron consuming the sparks of his fallen foes, but this didn't arrive into the final film due to major time constraints. The novelisation of the pic, on the other hand, sees him chow down on Jazz in the final battle; similarly, although non outright stated in dialogue, his animalistic pouncing on The Fallen bodies of diverse characters (including Optimus Prime number, Starscream, Jazz and the Decepticon Create-A-Bot) in the Movie Nintendo DS games, post-obit by what appears to be rooting around in their innards, seems to advise he'southward doing the same there.
  • Despite his undeniable hatred of humans, Megatron is the only Decepticon in the motion-picture show who doesn't speak Cybertronian for the bulk of his dialogue. In fact, he speaks fluent English upon reviving, despite the genuine fact that Modernistic English came into existence around the Sixteenth century, when he was presumably still frozen in the ice. This could suggest that he nevertheless was somehow witting when he was studied past Sector Seven (which he also overtly states upon awakening in the non-canon IDW comic adaptation). This would explain why his first action after thawing was declaring his name—imagine being frozen for many generations past , nowadays and future being referred to as "N.B.E. 1," or even worse: "Mega-Man" and "Ice-human."
  • The Megatron estimator generated model consisted of 2411 individual pieces, 433,949 polygons, 8924 rig nodes, and 1437 texture maps. The pieces combined gave a volume of x,325 cubic feet.[one]
  • The Milton Bradley Transformers Battling Card Game depicts a couple of unique attacks for Megatron's original grade; one card gives him a pair of forearm-mounted blades equally an "Arm Sword," and some other shows him firing a swarm of missiles from his chest in a "Missile Set on."
  • Information technology was decided that Megatron would not be renamed Galvatron just like in The Transformers: The Moving-picture show and The Transformers cartoon in Revenge of the Fallen for the sake of the full general audience.[ii]
  • While Revenge of The Fallen: The Flick Universe and the comic adaptation create the idea that Megatron is a Triple Changer that alternates between his robot, jet, and tank modes, there is absolutely nothing to support this in the picture. Throughout the entire moving picture, he only transforms into a winged tank portrayed by the Voyager figure and is more than capable of flying in said style. Of course, whether or not his flight tank manner is considered a third mode is upwards to estimation.
  • According to his bio on the Hasbro sticker sheets, Revenge Megatron weighs in at 5.7 metric tons, is 35 feet alpine, uses an 'Ion-fused chain whip' for his chief weapon, has a 'Strength ability level' of ten, and changes into an 'Interstellar jet.' The mention of a chain whip and a jet mode seem to betoken the card'southward stats were based on his original form, rather than his Revenge of The Fallen tank mode. The menu also surmises that Megatron's might will 'make the Convulsion, and the stars autumn from the sky.' The ii-disc special edition of the Revenge of The Fallen DVD also gives him a tiptop of 35 anxiety.
  • In Revenge of The Fallen: The Flick Universe, it states Megatron possesses an internal self-regenerating dark thing power cadre which is possibly of alien origin.
  • His weatherbeaten Mack tanker truck mode and Cybertronian sawed-off shotgun every bit seen in Dark of the Moon are adequately straightforward nods to the 1981 film Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior.
  • Early on concepts for his Dark of the Moon design falsely called him Cyclonus in an endeavor to curb leaks and spread misinformation.
  • Megatron'southward story was altered significantly twice during the evolution of Revenge of The Fallen and Night of the Moon: the climax of the 2d motion-picture show would have genuinely revealed Megatron served The Fallen under the pretense of condign a Prime, which Optimus Prime exposes a lie, explaining Primes are born, not made. An angered Megatron refused to assist The Fallen in his final battle and returned to the Nemesis via The Fallen's space bridge to enhance an regular army of hatchlings. In the film he is unfortunately removed from the battle by having Optimus disfigure him instead with his own cannon, forcing him to hibernate as a truck in Africa. Megatron would have genuinely survived Night of the Moon, with Optimus accepting the truce later on helping kill Lookout man, with Megatron returning to Cybertron and leaving the possibility open up to a fourth film with Megatron even so alive and well. On screen, Megatron's offer comes across as less than sincere, allowing Optimus to finally tear his head off once and for all forever leaving Megatron totally dead once and for all forever only to return and come up dorsum live over again as a far more powerful, upgraded, updated grade known as Galvatron.
  • Although Megatron uses his Fusion Cannon in both previous films, in Dark of the Moon Megatron'southward weapon changes to a Fusion Shotgun.
  • Megatron is the but character to have appeared in all iii movies to have received a distinctly different body pattern and alternate form for each picture show. Each subsequent major change having an in-story reason as well (brought dorsum from the dead and repaired in Revenge of the Fallen, and being forced into hiding due to injuries he sustained at the end of the onetime-mentioned film in Dark of the Moon).
  • Co-ordinate to nearly people at Universal Studios, he hates when people accept selfies, believing just 14-year sometime teenage girls do such nonsense.
  • At the stop of Age of Extinction, Galvatron turned dorsum into Megatron with a brand new body made by Quintessa in The Concluding Knight with no explanation as to who, what, when, where, how and why?. His current location is unknown.
  • Galvatron's self-driving truck form is reused with a blackness and red colour scheme in the 2020 Sonic the Hedgehog movie.
  • Originally, Frank Welker who voiced Megatron in The Transformers generation one cartoon , also as The Transformers: The Flick and as well as Galvatron afterwards The Transformers: The Movie in The Transformers generation one cartoon was going to reprise his vocal role as Megatron in the first three Live Activity Transformers films but Michael Bay accounted his voice too light for the villainous decepticon Transformers graphic symbol, feeling it would disrespectful that he asked him to change his vox he choose Hugo Weaving instead eventually Frank Welker did become to voice the antagonistic villain character again as Galvatron in Transformers: Age of Extinction and as well as Transformers: Prime and Transformers: The Concluding Knight once again as Megatron.
  • He was going to exist in Bumblebee as the Main Villain but did not go far into the flick
  • It was proven that Megatron was weaker after the 1st flick: He had less maneuverability(due to his bulk and speed), had many weight problems(Like his Fusion Cannon arm is heavier than his other arm, and he was brought downward only by Optimus pulling him downwardly). And so again Optimus kept grooming so he would be ready to confront Megatron over again.

References [ ]

  1. Robertson, Barbara (2007). Heavy Metal. Figurer Graphics, 30(7), 12-17.
  2. Roberto Orci answers fan questions on the TFW2005 boards.


Source: https://michaelbaystransformers.fandom.com/wiki/Megatron

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